Milani po kalon një formë të shkëlqyeshme duke mos pësuar asnjë humbje në 21 ndeshjet e fundit.
“Rossonerët” së fundmi në kuadër të Liga Europa mundën Selltikun në Skoci me rezultatin 3:1.
Skuadra e Piolit ka shënuar nga dy gola në 19 ndeshje të luajtura dhe 10 lojtarë të ndryshëm kanë shënuar për “Rossonerët”, më tepër se çdo skuadër italiane.
Si po arrin Milani të jetë kaq efikas nën drejtimin e Piolit? Një sërë videosh të shkurta nga “SRFootball” analizon taktikat e Piolit.
Let's talk about their rotations first. Milan's forwards are very talented in pulling their man in and moving them to create space. They're in tune with each other and notice the cues well that indicate the start of a rotation. pic.twitter.com/wDOLotv97v
— SRFootball (@SRFootball_) October 21, 2020
Let's talk about their rotations first. Milan's forwards are very talented in pulling their man in and moving them to create space. They're in tune with each other and notice the cues well that indicate the start of a rotation. pic.twitter.com/wDOLotv97v
— SRFootball (@SRFootball_) October 21, 2020
Here is a more direct option of how effective this can be. pic.twitter.com/Kpa6bFN9uk
— SRFootball (@SRFootball_) October 21, 2020
As another example of something similar, watch Saelemaekers make a horizontal inverted run here that creates the space for the overlap. pic.twitter.com/5bF6BKwnsw
— SRFootball (@SRFootball_) October 21, 2020